How Do I Find Single Parents Near Me?

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Being a single parent can feel isolating at times, especially if your friends and acquaintances are in two-parent households, or you’ve moved away from your hometown before starting your family. But you're not alone! Finding other single parents who can relate to your experiences can be a great way to build a supportive community and completely transform your parenting experience. Here are some starting pointers on how to find single parents near you. Because once you have your single parent tribe, there will be no stopping you…

Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash

How To Find Single Parents Near You

We might be a little bit biassed, but when it comes to finding your local single parent friendship group, we think there’s only one place to start. It’s the reason we created the Frolo app, after all…

Join the Frolo Community

There are many ways to find support and connect with other single parents who understand what you're going through, and the quickest and easiest (and, in our opinion, the best) way to do this is by joining an online community designed specifically for single parents. The Frolo app has quickly become the go-to resource for single parents in the UK and beyond. Frolo is a community of single parents who come together to provide support, friendship, and shared experiences. Whether you're a single mom or dad, divorced, widowed, solo parent by choice or any other lone head of a household, Frolo offers a safe and welcoming space where you can connect with others who are going through similar experiences.

With a growing number of members worldwide, Frolo offers a variety of features to help you connect with other single parents in your area. You can join chat groups to discuss topics like co-parenting, dating, and self-care. You can also attend in-person Meetups (more on these in a moment) where you can meet other single parents face-to-face and build real-life connections.

By joining Frolo, you'll have access to a wealth of resources and support. You can connect with other single parents in your city, town or village, and learn from their challenges and successes. You'll also have access to expert advice and resources on everything single parenting.

So what are you waiting for? Join the Frolo community today and start connecting with other single parents who understand what you're going through. Together, we can build a stronger, more supportive community for single mums and dads everywhere.

Frolo App Meetups

One of the best ways to find single parents near you is by attending a Frolo Meetup. Hosted by fellow Frolo members, these meetups provide an opportunity to meet other single parents in your area in person. Whether you're a new parent or have been on your own for a while, it can be comforting to connect with others who understand the ups and downs of single parenting.

But what exactly happens at a Frolo meetup? The possibilities are endless! Some meetups are focused on child-friendly activities, such as park playdates or picnics. Others might be more adult-oriented, like a wine and cheese night or a coffee catch-up. Whatever the activity, the goal is to provide a welcoming space for frolos to connect and build relationships.

Attending a Frolo meetup can be a great way to find playmates for your kids, as well as for yourself! Children of all ages are welcome at these events, so you can feel confident bringing your little ones along. And while the kids play, you can enjoy some adult conversation with other single parents, who understand what you’re going through.

Being a single parent can be isolating at times, but attending a meetup can help you feel less alone. You'll have the opportunity to share your experiences with others who understand, and you might even make some new friends along the way. Who knows? You might just find the community you've been looking for.

Local Single Mother Groups

There are many local groups that offer support and resources to single mothers in your area. These groups can provide a sense of community, a place to connect with other mums who understand what you're going through, and access to valuable resources that can help you navigate the challenges of single parenthood.

One great way to find single mother groups near you is to do a quick search online. Try googling "single mother groups near me" or check out social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. These sites can be a great resource for finding local groups and events that cater to single parents.

Another great place to look for single mother groups is at your local community centre or religious organisation. Many of these organisations offer support groups and resources for parents, and they can be a great place to connect with other single mothers in your area.

If you're looking for specific types of support, such as parenting advice or financial assistance, be sure to look for groups that cater to those needs. Many single mother groups offer a variety of resources and support, so it's important to find one that you feel comfortable at.

Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

Single Dad Groups

Lone father looking to meet fellow single dads? You can find local support groups that provide a safe space for you to share experiences and learn from others in the same situation. These groups can be a great way to connect with other single fathers who understand your challenges and can offer support and advice.

Obviously you can start by searching online for "single dad groups near me," but get out and look around, too. Ask any local dad friends for recommendations and check out community centre, church and pre-school notice-boards, many host dad-only events where you may find local single dads to connect with.

These groups can also provide a sense of community and belonging, which is especially important for single dads who may feel isolated or alone. Some even invite guest speakers to address topics such as child development, legal issues, and financial management, so as well as building friendships, you may be able to build parenting confidence, and help you develop new skills and strategies for parenting on your own, too.

Locating Childcare Resources for Single Parents

Finding reliable and affordable childcare is an absolute game-changer, especially once you’ve found your single parent friendship group and you’re ready for a night out with them! Here are a few resources to check out to help find childcare in the UK.

Reaching Out to Single Parent Friends of Friends

If you don't know any single parents personally, you may be able to find some through your existing social networks. Try reaching out to friends or family members who may know single parents in your area and ask for introductions. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, try to swallow your pride and just ask! Speaking about your own situation on social media may also encourage others to introduce themselves to you - just avoid oversharing, especially about your children or your ex, if you’re co-parenting and looking to avoid disputes!

You’ve Got This…& We’ve Got You!

Whether you join an online community, attend a local meetup, or reach out to friends of friends, there are many ways to connect with fellow single parents. Remember, you're not alone, and there are people out there who can offer support and encouragement. You’ll find plenty of them on Frolo, so if you haven’t got the app, we’d love to welcome you to the community today.